ABB / AccuRay 1180 software for 1180M systems.

ABB / AccuRay 1180 software for 1180M systems.

Peter Davies has spent over 30 years programming Process Measurement & Control systems for the Pulp and Paper Industry, and is a certified software consultant to ABB / AccuRay for the 1180M systems, with 30 years experience of programming the AccuRay 1180 software.

Latest work:
1. Adding 1000 Grade & Shade codes.
2. Optimising Profile Manager control with dilution actuators.
3. Upgrade adding DIU to a Data Historian.
4. Special Profile Transmission to Metso.

The software programs developed for the AccuRay 1180M systems are too numerous to list.

Here is a summary of the major 1180 software features created.

  1. First full multiplex system, where 2 paper machines are being operated completely independent of the other on one AccuRay 1180M system. This later became a standard AccuRay feature.
  2. First hi-resolution profile with up to 480 databoxes, when the standard at that time was 60 databoxes. The changes were later incorporated into the AccuRay 1180M to provide 120/480 databoxes for PMM/AAM systems.
  3. Zoom Profile feature to provide detailed display of problem areas in the profile. This later became the AccuRay Insight and Microview features.
  4. Generic communication link to communicate with all DCS vendors (including Siemens 3964R protocol).
  5. Coater Moisture control using multiple actuator types (Airfoil, Cylinders & IR) with load distribution depending on the drying capacity of the actuators.
  6. Coat Weight control using multiple blade types (Air Pad, Bent blade, Ceramic blade, Rigid blade).
  7. Difference Profile which provided the ability to save a profile and monitor the process cross machine variations using the saved profile as a reference. Used to log actuator responses and the effect of making a change to the process.
  8. Sectioning of alarm messages to provide each operator station with only the relevant alarms.(wet-end, dry-end, stock-prep & refiners).
  9. Adding OPC Servers to the 1180 using the DIU option for the Legacy Links. Various configurations made with up to three 1180's connected to one ABB OPC Object Server.
  10. Integrating 1180 with 800xA systems. For budget limited mills. This provides the possibility to take advantage of the new sensors in the Network Platform operating in the 800xA system while leaving other scanners/sensors and all controls in the 1180 system.
  11. Comli Interface to the latest xp CD actuators. For mills with a limited budget. Providing the possibility of a phased upgrade to the 800xA system.
For further enquiries about the ABB / AccuRay 1180 software, contact Peter Davies at the email address:

1190 Software
800xA Software
MOD300 Software

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Last updated March 1, 2018